Chief of the Naval Staff, Rear Admiral Emmanuel  Ogalla AM, in continuation of his visit in Lagos paid a courtesy visit to the third indigenous Chief of Naval Staff,  Vice Admiral Michael  Adelanwa GCON (Rtd), former Chief of the Naval Staff, on Friday 7 July 2023 in Lagos

Adelanwa was Chief of Naval Staff from July 1975 to April 1980


Admiral Adenlawa joined the Nigerian Navy as a cadet in September 1958. He was trained in Dartmouth. His sea command included NNS OGOJA, NNS NIGERIA (after Admiral Soroh during the Civil War). He FOC WEST, Chief of Staff Naval Headquarters, considered No. 3 appointment in those days, after the positions o CNS, and FOC WEST.

His headship of the Navy witnessed much acquisition of naval platforms and welfare programmes including the Navy Town, Ojo. Admiral Adelanwa today looks back and believes every effort should be made to ensure that the Navy goes to sea more.

He advocates the need for long-range planning (5 to 10 years ahead), especially for ship acquisition, which has a long lead-time and programmatic approach to barrack building.


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