The Director of the Multinational Maritime Coordination Center of the Nigerian Navy, Commodore Aniedi Aniedu Ibok has emphasised the need for the harmonization of  communication systems and involving Maritime Operational Centers (MOCs) in future operations

Also he charged ZONE E member state to sustain gains of five-days joint operations to ensure the safety of the water ways.

He spoke at the  closing ceremony of Operation Safe Domain III  at the Naval Base Jetty in Cotonou  announcing plans for an upcoming conference that will focus on improving interoperability among maritime operators.

The remarks by Commodore Ibok draws the cotton on the five-days  exercise which was aimed at securing the maritime domain and combating threats in Zone E member states. learnt that despite the conclusion of the exercise, the joint operation will continue its mission to enhance regional maritime security.

Also Captain I. Udoessien, Commanding Officer of DB ABUJA, praised the overall success of the operation, despite facing communication challenges and technical disruptions. He emphasized the need for continued investment in advanced surveillance technology, strengthened communication infrastructure, and regular joint exercises to bolster maritime security in the region.

The operation involved assets, platforms, and personnel from several participating nations, including DB ABUJA, NNS KANO, BNS ALIBORI, and TNS AGOU, conducting various maritime operations. Key lessons learned from the exercise included the importance of enhanced coordination, real-time intelligence sharing, and early planning.

The ceremony concluded with the presentation of gifts and group photographs, underscoring the operation’s success. Operation Safe Domain III showcased the commitment of Zone E member states to improving maritime security and cooperation in the region.

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